A hands-on five-day course that covers all aspects of the taxonomy, (paleo)ecology, and biostratigraphy of agglutinated foraminifera and their applications for sequence stratigraphy.
Learn moreWe provide professional development courses tailored for individual and small-group needs for industry and academia. Our lecturers are internationally recognised specialists in their respected fields. We are currently offering 2 five-day worshops.
Learn moreWe offer a full scope of publishing activities in the field of micropalaeontology, palaeontology and stratigraphy, publishing in magazine form, books both in printed form and as eBooks. We have "The Starter pack for agglutinated formainifera" on special offer.
We offer custom built sample micro-splitters that can be used to accurately subdivide micropaleontological samples into two equal portions. Available in professional and student versions.
Learn moreThese workshops offer indepth training on benthic and agglutinated foraminifera through time. Course size is limited to 10 participants. To apply for a place on the course please contact us: info@micropresseurope.eu
A hands-on five-day course that covers all aspects of the taxonomy, (paleo)ecology, and biostratigraphy of agglutinated foraminifera and their applications for sequence stratigraphy.
Learn moreInformation pending.
Learn moreThese monographs from the "Grzybowski Foundation Special Publications" series will benefit every micropalaeontologists working with agglutinated benthic foraminifera. They are devoted primarily to (palaeo)ecology, evolution and biostratigraphy of this largest single group of foraminifera. They are the primary source for the taxonomy and phylogeny of agglutinated foraminifera.
"An excellent reference on deep-water agglutinated foraminifera not only for the Paleogene but the whole Cenozoic. Its 547 pages are loaded with high quality SEMs, drawings and detailed descriptions for each of the 130 species. The first 98 pages give most valuable and up-to-date information on the understanding of deep-water agglutinated foraminifera: paleoecology, biostratigraphy and history of research. It should be part of any library on foraminifera".
Learn more Price: €40This Bundle contains the publications from the Proceedings of the Sixth Seventh and Eight International Workshops on Agglutinated Foraminifera (IWAF). Four books to kickstart and solidify your knowledge on Agglutinated Foraminifera.
Sixth Workshop Seventh Workshop Eigth Workshop Price: €115We offer sample micro-splitters that can be used to accurately subdivide micropaleontological samples into two equal portions. A bulk material can be split 50/50 into two separate bins for a convenient representative sample for further analysis.
Each micro-splitter comes with three removable sample bins.
Price: €395.Each micro-splitter comes with three removable sample bins.
WE ARE NO LONGER PROVIDING THIS MODELThe cost of shipping will be added depending on the country of shipment. Within EU we can ship either via courier or standard Post. Outside of UK we only ship via international courier.